We Design Custom Homes. We Build Lasting Relationships.
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Custom Home Building & Renovation
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Why Build with Kauth?

Professional Custom Home Builders

Home Built by Kauth Builders Inc.

We're one of northeast Ohio's leading custom homebuilders and remodelers since 1962.

Welcome to Kauth Custom Builders. Every home we have built has been constructed with the deep understanding that this will be a family's home, not just another house.

If you're looking for a custom builder who will balance affordability with the things you really want, talk to someone who has built with Kauth. You'll be back.

Why did you build with Kauth? Read the stories

Young Homeowners

When we started looking for a builder, too often we got that "Oh, you're too young" attitude. There were builders who wouldn't even give us a brochure. Kauth respected our ideas and helped us get to what we really wanted; things like the maple columns, the soft curves and the red brick exterior. And we never felt like we had to be the "squeaky wheel".

Accessible Remodel

We added a room overlooking our garden and a spectacular 200 year-old beech tree. The room is completely handicapped accessible and complemented with an extended patio and ramp for easy outdoor access. We expected the remodeling to be an ordeal, but it was a very comfortable experience. Brian, Chuck and Beth were very pleasant and efficient and so were the subcontractors.

Expert Advice

Kauth helped us to make decisions about exactly where to place the house on this property. It has been in the family for generations. And Kauth follows up, even after we were in our home for a year, we could still call Brian and he would be there for us.

The Returning Customer

I am now building my fourth home with Kauth. We had built two homes for ourselves and a handicapped accessible home for my mother when we decided we wanted a new, more open, entertainment- oriented home in the same neighborhood. Kauth has always been able to capture the essence of what we want in a home while making it structurally sound and staying within budget.